Thursday, December 11, 2008

Essay # 1

Essay The experiences in life whether they are big or small, ultimately shape people, and direct them on a path they will follow. People can exercise doing good or bad things, but somehow their actions add to the world. "Be the change you wish to see in the world," is a motto I can readily agree with. A time in my life where I live out this motto started when I joined a volunteer program. I lived in Redmond Oregon, and the program was called Full Circle Outreach.

I met the woman who owned and directed Full Circle, and I felt strongly that I needed to get involved. So the first step was to help construct the Full Circle center itself. We gutted the premises, installed walls, and replaced damaged items. As I helped to reconstruct the center I was also learning how to follow directions, and how to work as part of a team. On another level it changed me to realize the needs of others. As I was building I realized that I was learning to help people who could not easily help themselves.

After the outreach program was done being built I started to be trained as a leader. I had to learn how to help people and contribute to their needs. A big part of who I was became Full Circle, and having to see people who had less than I did made me realize what I have now. I was able to be a part of an experience that helped someone who needed every day necessities more than I did. For example: there were many people who always came into Full circle. It was always disheartening to see their sad situations and overwhelming circumstances, coming in for help. One day this lady came in with a young boy who looked ragged and unclean to the fullest degree. I was so distracted by the boy who looked like he belongs in a third world country that I forgot my warm welcoming job. I must have been staring (which was frowned upon) because the director of the outreach politely but harshly asked me to go to the back and get the boy a stuffed animal. I felt embarrassingly bad for the way I acted I never let my true emotions show, but this site was truly agonizing and I realized within that moment that if I could I would give this family the shirt off my back. I literally wanted to run over to the young boy scoop him up in my arms and take him home and give him the life that a young child should have. As I forced myself to hold my emotions together I walked back into the room where the young boy was standing and handed him the nicest stuffed animal I could find. The look on his face was worth the time finding the animal because his whole face lit up with uncontainable joy. The director of Full Circle was discussing going over to their apartments which happened to be right across the street and see what we could do to help them. The mother was a drug addict, and I had mercy for her but I was infuriated by the life she allowed her son to live in (if it’s really living at all) she lived in the basement of apartments with mold growing on the walls. There was not even a proper first room when entering; the stairs were made of old splintering wood and as you walked down you could smell the mold and unclean air. The main room or really only room was more like a hall way with a broken couch and a dirty sheet draped over as a curtain for his mother’s bed. I almost ran out off the building in sobs I could not even contain the anger and almost divine hatred I had towards the sick situation. We could not do anything to help because the mother would not change her habits. We were able to get the boy away from his mother and living with his grandma, but even that was heart breaking to tear him from his mother. We had to remove him from that unhealthy situation as much as it hurt us to do. My over all point is that I realized the importance of making a change and being a part of something that goes beyond one’s self. I was able to help that boy out of a broken life style and into a healthy living environment. Although it was not the happy ending I would have wished for him it was still a huge difference than the life he was living. I have more than I could possible need and working at full circle it showed me that some people live in brokenness while I live peacefully put together. I now know more than I did before which I am eager to implement into the role that will impact people’s lives.

Now being able to apply what I know, and what I did then in my life leads me to be the person I need to be. Every day I gradually learn more and put it to use in my life. Helping build Full Circle and being a leader there helped me to be the change I wish to see in the world. I want the world to be a more selfless place, and to actually care about another person's well being. I believe I can take all I am, and not only apply but contribute in more ways than one.

I know that to do something great you have to start somewhere that can lead to that greatness. I believe that PSEC can be that place, and know that I can contribute what I have learned to this program. I have learned so much about leadership, the needs of people, and what it takes to make a difference. I can contribute my dedication, my drive to see things through, and my belief that people should never take opportunities for granted.

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