Thursday, December 11, 2008


Reflective letter

Reflective letter

Writing has been a new turn of unseen variations; coming into PSEC was exciting and full of unexpected things. I have always loved writing and hopefully always will, but these three months have unmasked a lot of challenges for me. I say challenges because more than anything else I tend to focus more on my weaknesses rather than my strengths, but this seemed to help wake me up to be not only a better writer but to be a aware of what I needed to change and what to grow in. Writing 101 has been almost like the after affect of sand paper, it’s rough and irritating but then it shows a smooth and polished surface. I am grateful for the struggles I have gone through so far, to gain a better understanding for writing principals and rules. One of the first essays I wrote for PSEC unofficially for writing 101 was my application essay. This essay was one of my more successful essays and I feel like ever since I joined PSEC I lost a lot of my confidence in the way I write, but I believe that over time I have gained confidence that is similar to the raw unaware confidence I began with in my application essay.

When attempting to gain acceptance into PSEC we were required to write an application essay, proving that we were supposed to be here. Writing this was difficult but simple because I knew my topic very well. I wrote massive of amounts of re-writes for this essay, I was motivated enough to want to be accepted into PSEC and I worked while anticipating getting into PSEC. I believe that it helped me write to the best of my ability, and going into PSEC I now realize that I needed to put that much motivation and energy into my other essays. I learned that the application essay was my platform for great essays in the making. “I know that to do something great you have to start somewhere that can lead to that greatness. I believe that PSEC can be that place, and know that I can contribute what I have learned to this program. I have learned so much about leadership, the needs of people, and what it takes to make a difference. I can contribute my dedication, my drive to see things through, and my belief that people should never take opportunities for granted”. I pulled this out of the essay I wrote, I wanted to point out that I still mean every word I said and this essay shows that I do mean to bring my dedication even if it means making mistakes along the way. I also learned that what could have made this essay much stronger was if I added a personal experience. So I have revised it and added an experience that goes along with my topic and theme.

The second essay I chose was one of the last ones I did in writing 101. I feel fairly strong that this particular essay shows my growing strengths and my confidence that I gained by acquiring understanding from writing 101. I felt reasonably comfortable writing my Massachusetts patriot essay and I know that it was one of the better writing essays I have done. Although I did not get an outstanding grade in the essay I did get a better grade than my pervious essay on Bacon’s rebellion. I feel like I definitely learned from that essay experience. When I wrote the essay I was at a total ease and it flowed all together the way a good essay should. I was able to narrow down my weakness in this essay and that helped me with my confidence in being a better writer. In the essay Massachusetts patriot, I wrote “You had to suffer through the business falling apart and how it affected father, I admire your strength for keeping this family together when father went through his breakdown, but now things are different- it’s time to break away from Britain. We can no longer tolerate their abusive power.” This sentence was one of my more weak ones because Craig mentioned the historic relevance did not match up with what the essay’s topic. I also see that quite few of my other sentences are underdeveloped and these certain weakness really help me grow to be a better writer for future writing assignments.

All of these writings show different weakness and strengths, but the two main themes between all of them are first my weaknesses which are my punctuation/grammar and sentence flow. The second my strengths would be my ability to show my critical thinking and have a voice throughout my paper. Both of these still needs developed but my weaknesses more than my strengths need the most work. Being in writing 101 I have seen enough in myself to really push what I have and what I want in being a writer. I believe this portfolio will show my work ethic and new understanding that I have acquired for future learning experiences. I will constantly strive to better myself as a writer and hopefully I will be able to pass along what I learn. I believe someday I could potentially become a great writer. With all that I have learned I really feel like I have grown in knowledge and my ability to write. Anyone is capable of writing great if they have the perseverance and patience to learn from their mistakes and evolve with a better understanding. I feel like writing 101 has been exactly the experience I have needed to really grasp what being a writer looks like.

Essay # 1

Essay The experiences in life whether they are big or small, ultimately shape people, and direct them on a path they will follow. People can exercise doing good or bad things, but somehow their actions add to the world. "Be the change you wish to see in the world," is a motto I can readily agree with. A time in my life where I live out this motto started when I joined a volunteer program. I lived in Redmond Oregon, and the program was called Full Circle Outreach.

I met the woman who owned and directed Full Circle, and I felt strongly that I needed to get involved. So the first step was to help construct the Full Circle center itself. We gutted the premises, installed walls, and replaced damaged items. As I helped to reconstruct the center I was also learning how to follow directions, and how to work as part of a team. On another level it changed me to realize the needs of others. As I was building I realized that I was learning to help people who could not easily help themselves.

After the outreach program was done being built I started to be trained as a leader. I had to learn how to help people and contribute to their needs. A big part of who I was became Full Circle, and having to see people who had less than I did made me realize what I have now. I was able to be a part of an experience that helped someone who needed every day necessities more than I did. For example: there were many people who always came into Full circle. It was always disheartening to see their sad situations and overwhelming circumstances, coming in for help. One day this lady came in with a young boy who looked ragged and unclean to the fullest degree. I was so distracted by the boy who looked like he belongs in a third world country that I forgot my warm welcoming job. I must have been staring (which was frowned upon) because the director of the outreach politely but harshly asked me to go to the back and get the boy a stuffed animal. I felt embarrassingly bad for the way I acted I never let my true emotions show, but this site was truly agonizing and I realized within that moment that if I could I would give this family the shirt off my back. I literally wanted to run over to the young boy scoop him up in my arms and take him home and give him the life that a young child should have. As I forced myself to hold my emotions together I walked back into the room where the young boy was standing and handed him the nicest stuffed animal I could find. The look on his face was worth the time finding the animal because his whole face lit up with uncontainable joy. The director of Full Circle was discussing going over to their apartments which happened to be right across the street and see what we could do to help them. The mother was a drug addict, and I had mercy for her but I was infuriated by the life she allowed her son to live in (if it’s really living at all) she lived in the basement of apartments with mold growing on the walls. There was not even a proper first room when entering; the stairs were made of old splintering wood and as you walked down you could smell the mold and unclean air. The main room or really only room was more like a hall way with a broken couch and a dirty sheet draped over as a curtain for his mother’s bed. I almost ran out off the building in sobs I could not even contain the anger and almost divine hatred I had towards the sick situation. We could not do anything to help because the mother would not change her habits. We were able to get the boy away from his mother and living with his grandma, but even that was heart breaking to tear him from his mother. We had to remove him from that unhealthy situation as much as it hurt us to do. My over all point is that I realized the importance of making a change and being a part of something that goes beyond one’s self. I was able to help that boy out of a broken life style and into a healthy living environment. Although it was not the happy ending I would have wished for him it was still a huge difference than the life he was living. I have more than I could possible need and working at full circle it showed me that some people live in brokenness while I live peacefully put together. I now know more than I did before which I am eager to implement into the role that will impact people’s lives.

Now being able to apply what I know, and what I did then in my life leads me to be the person I need to be. Every day I gradually learn more and put it to use in my life. Helping build Full Circle and being a leader there helped me to be the change I wish to see in the world. I want the world to be a more selfless place, and to actually care about another person's well being. I believe I can take all I am, and not only apply but contribute in more ways than one.

I know that to do something great you have to start somewhere that can lead to that greatness. I believe that PSEC can be that place, and know that I can contribute what I have learned to this program. I have learned so much about leadership, the needs of people, and what it takes to make a difference. I can contribute my dedication, my drive to see things through, and my belief that people should never take opportunities for granted.

Essay # 2

A letter of declaration to my parents; January 6, 1776
Mother and Father, please know that I am loyal to you and I trust that you will hear my plea and justification as to why I must leave your care. I have watched the British take over Massachusetts and their actions convey disrespect to our land. Controlling us as if we are their mutt they can freely kick. Here in Massachusetts where I was raised by you I have witnessed these things: destroying our economic values, taking over us with propaganda and manipulation, and using us for Britain’s profit and growth. For these clear reasons I have decided to become a patriot despite your stance against it. You are my only family and you have allowed the British to walk all over our values and what we believe. I mean no disrespect to you and I highly honor who you are but I must speak my mind. I support the separation of Britain and anything that directly ties us to them.

Father, first I must state my sentiments to you; all my life I have heard you support the very people who have ruined your place of business with their selfish taxes and laws. You were thriving in Boston the most economic port in the thirteen colonies, but as soon as the British starting taxes all necessities you could not keep up with the demand. We lost our home because of it and yet you still act as though it doesn’t affect you or us. I grew up with uneasiness on the streets, people taking a stand against the injustice, anti -law petitions hanging everywhere, riots, and the one belief that tied the patriots together. Standing against the British because the patriots know their rights and so do I.

Do you remember back in 1773 when I was fourteen and the patriots decided to dump out all of the tea received from Britain into Boston port? I do I remember it so well, we were watching from the harbor as they poured out all of the tea dressed in what I thought was a silly disguise , but they did it because the British were crossing the line over taxing and controlling us the colonists of Massachusetts. I felt in that moment an ordained right to feel what they felt. Then the British did something I could not swallow or even conceive -they closed the Boston harbor. I cannot understand how you justified what the British did, but I do know you read one of the acts the committee sent out: “This attack, though made immediately upon us, is doubtless designed for every other colony who will not surrender their sacred rights and liberties into the hands of an infamous ministry. Now therefore is the time when all should be united in opposition to this violation of the liberties of all,” (Circular Letter of the Boston Committee of Correspondence 1). As I heard you read this one statement I saw the change in your perception of who those patriots were. I believe you finally saw past your own beliefs and you now understood what they stood for. You respected them and I knew this, but you didn’t boldly come out and say it. Father you supported both sides because you were afraid and I understand that, but I cannot hide nor can I be ally to both sides.

Mother, now I must address you. Writing this letter to you and Father is difficult but especially to you. My whole life you have hid under the social traditions of how women should act and what they should do. You support the very thing my character is against and I believe women should have the right to openly express who they are. I must confess that I desire to be a part of the secret unions that take place, strategies that are being planned, and issues being addressed that have stirred colonists all over Massachusetts.

The Acts alone should have proved where we were headed and right now we are faced with many decisions. You heard about the acts and father’s stance on the matter, but I often wonder what you think. I know you strongly side with the idea of woman being locked to the views of their husbands, but I disagree with that belief. I look back on all the acts and laws passed out by the British, and I wonder how you could stand for beliefs that chain us to someone else’s ideas. The Stamp Act, Tea Act, and Quartering Act, were all the product of problems caused by the pride of Britain. The Acts that were sent out and posted by Britain proves that their motives to be selfish and inconsiderate. “An act made in the last session of parliament, several duties were granted, continued, and appropriated, towards defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing, the British colonies and plantations in America: and whereas it is just and necessary, that provision be made for raising a further revenue within your MajestyƂ’s dominions in America…](Great Britain : Parliament - The Stamp Act, March 22, 1765 1.). Everything they do is for selfish profit, and they don’t care if it hurts us economically as long as it brings a greater revenue and profit to Britain.

You had to suffer through the business falling apart and how it affected father; I admire your strength while father went through his breakdown, but now things are different- it’s time to break away from Britain. We can no longer tolerate their abusive power. The resolution of Massachusetts states “Whereas this House is fully sensible of the necessity and importance of a union of the several colonies in America, at a time when it clearly appears that the rights and liberties of all are systematically invaded; in order that the joint wisdom of the whole may be employed in consulting their common safety...],” (The Resolutions of the Massachusetts House of Representatives Agreeing to the Virginia Proposal 1.) Mother I am taking my own beliefs and forming them into who I am. I am a patriot of Boston Massachusetts.

I conclude this letter to state that we have all heard the talk of war in the past, but now it’s a reality. This revolutionary change has already begun and whether you stand against the separation of Britain, or you don’t, I do and that’s why I must leave. I am persuaded by the passionate patriots who purses and I can bare it no longer. I must do something. As Thomas Pain said in “The Crisis”; “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph,” (Thomas Paine the Crisis 1). His words of wisdom have turned the hearts of men to stand in a hopeless time. I am standing for that glorious victory and you will someday see why being separated from Britain is important.

I am leaving to fight in any way I can. I am a patriot standing for the freedom and belief that being divided from Britain is the only way to be liberated and granted back our divine rights as humans. So please know that I love and respect you, but I cannot sit back any longer I am choosing to do something. Massachusetts is our home and if we want the right to live in peace then this is the choice that needs to be made. Separating from Britain will be the overcoming victory once and for all.Love your daughter,



Final exam

Frame one

---The World is constantly changing or “progressing” as Geoffrey Meredith would say. I can agree with the vast changes around us and as we progress more in technologies the more we do not have to think for our selves. Why would we need to think so hard or even work hard when we have so many resources at our finger tips? As a the United states we have so many different forms of technologies that even reading as become a challenge in our educational system and work places. Geoffrey Meredith views our exceedingly growing population “illiterate” as we become aware of the knowledge and worldly inventions around us.
--- The phones, computers, cars, music, and more inventions becoming so advanced that as a human population we are actually becoming more uneducated. For example: when America was just discovering education and school systems the human population was ambitious. Very well educated in reading, writing, arithmetic, and they were eager to learn. Meredith states “Remember, the baby- boomer cohort is not only the best educated cohort in history-it likely the best educated that ever will be.” I believe he is saying that in the past when they had very little and books were the equivalent to technology they were educated and well rounded intelligent people. Now in the new millennium we are so advanced in making our selves happy, that we don’t have to work to figure things out there already figured out for us (almost like people thinking for us). I see in my own life that TV and games take up so much time and energy that I don’t feel like I have to really think or do anything for myself. I wish that I would have forced myself to become more self motivated and as Americans we should strive to become those self intelligent people. We should not allow people to think for us or to create more unnecessary technology that will stop the creative flow that as humans we have and should use.
---I suggest that we spend more time practicing how to let go of things like the computer .write on our own and correct our own work instead of letting the programs like Microsoft do it for us. Taking step like this will put motivation and curiosity back in our human existence. Meredith said “ this why the most recent versions of Microsoft’s word program includes not just spelling checkers but subroutines that suggest and correct syntax, grammar, and even paragraph structure. And clearly these functions are needed.” I disagree I believe we can break away from our lazy patterns and not give into what is easiest for us. I know where Geoffrey Meredith is coming from, but we should not use our illiterate ways as an excuse to take short cuts. Solution: start breaking away from lazy habits, and as a society we should consider new ways to educated people, because if we stay in our old ways and continue spoiling generations after generation s then our efforts to be the ambitious people we once were our society will be become nothing more than a zone of self destruction.
--- Meredith view this problem as inevitable and in some since he is right and I agree that people are becoming more and more illiterate as technology evolves, but I believe you can change and evolve better. People can change their behaviors and it takes just one to decide that as a people we are better than what our now and day inventions throw at us. In stead of as Meredith would say “the demise of writing” I say we can change that to the revolution of writing. We as a generation can change our demise into our success and make it a turning point for America and even the world.

Final exam

Frame one

---The World is constantly changing or “progressing” as Geoffrey Meredith would say. I can agree with the vast changes around us and as we progress more in technologies the more we do not have to think for our selves. Why would we need to think so hard or even work hard when we have so many resources at our finger tips? As a the United states we have so many different forms of technologies that even reading as become a challenge in our educational system and work places. Geoffrey Meredith views our exceedingly growing population “illiterate” as we become aware of the knowledge and worldly inventions around us.
--- The phones, computers, cars, music, and more inventions becoming so advanced that as a human population we are actually becoming more uneducated. For example: when America was just discovering education and school systems the human population was ambitious. Very well educated in reading, writing, arithmetic, and they were eager to learn. Meredith states “Remember, the baby- boomer cohort is not only the best educated cohort in history-it likely the best educated that ever will be.” I believe he is saying that in the past when they had very little and books were the equivalent to technology they were educated and well rounded intelligent people. Now in the new millennium we are so advanced in making our selves happy, that we don’t have to work to figure things out there already figured out for us (almost like people thinking for us). I see in my own life that TV and games take up so much time and energy that I don’t feel like I have to really think or do anything for myself. I wish that I would have forced myself to become more self motivated and as Americans we should strive to become those self intelligent people. We should not allow people to think for us or to create more unnecessary technology that will stop the creative flow that as humans we have and should use.
---I suggest that we spend more time practicing how to let go of things like the computer .write on our own and correct our own work instead of letting the programs like Microsoft do it for us. Taking step like this will put motivation and curiosity back in our human existence. Meredith said “ this why the most recent versions of Microsoft’s word program includes not just spelling checkers but subroutines that suggest and correct syntax, grammar, and even paragraph structure. And clearly these functions are needed.” I disagree I believe we can break away from our lazy patterns and not give into what is easiest for us. I know where Geoffrey Meredith is coming from, but we should not use our illiterate ways as an excuse to take short cuts. Solution: start breaking away from lazy habits, and as a society we should consider new ways to educated people, because if we stay in our old ways and continue spoiling generations after generation s then our efforts to be the ambitious people we once were our society will be become nothing more than a zone of self destruction.
--- Meredith view this problem as inevitable and in some since he is right and I agree that people are becoming more and more illiterate as technology evolves, but I believe you can change and evolve better. People can change their behaviors and it takes just one to decide that as a people we are better than what our now and day inventions throw at us. In stead of as Meredith would say “the demise of writing” I say we can change that to the revolution of writing. We as a generation can change our demise into our success and make it a turning point for America and even the world.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008