Friday, October 31, 2008

Synthesis on America Revolution

The America Revolution that led America straight into independence from England.
John Adams wrote; “What do we mean by the Revolution? The war? That was no part of the Revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The Revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected, from 1760-1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington.” John Adams summarized the revolution in one statement saying that the revolution wasn’t really a war just a fear and uprising in their mind. Blood wasn’t even shed until January 1, 1770, what then became the Boston Massacre. Before the brutal over the line attacks was the simple first of many acts.

The Stamp Act which was the first tax in American history. This act caused anarchy across the 13 colonies even to the England parliament. For example; in the Reluctant Revolutionaries movie clip they stated- “The stamp act was an ill judgment” The English Parliament thought it was an outrage to tax people against their rights. Even though the royal representatives did nothing to cease the British appointed in America to stop taxing. I would have to side with the believe that the parliament wasn’t so much mad or even concerned about the people rights, but were more concerned about being in control. The British in America did not run it past the parliament in England and they were just hearing about the already established law. This probably took the Englanders to a level of anger that was rigid and bitter. Now with England on the fence of holding favor for America it didn’t help with the division being caused besides the ocean that was between them. Therefore causing division between loyal subjects of the King, the Liberty seekers, and the constant fuel added to both.

The Colonist of America were the co-labors for profit and revenue. They were not issued rights nor were they asked for a vote they were simply demanded to abide by the taxes needed to be paid. With the British was the nature to be superior and righteous in all things, and the colonist being treated like they were born French. I say this because if they were ever considered British people they would have been given more of an opportunity to vote on matters of importance. Especially their rights as a people, but the British held such a high standard that it was hard to live up to. In that since it shows clear that the riots, boycott, rebellions, and violence, all resulted of how the British treated the Colonists. Letters were being constantly written back and forth for the people who wanted their rights and freedoms they wrote for encouragement, urgencies, and help. The colonists stood for what they knew was right which later on ended with independence and freedom from England. Even the Founding fathers who knew they were meant for something greater then what Britain could ever give. They stood and mainly led in the revolution that changed America. They weren’t rich or even popular they were down to earth humble men who believed in a change for America that would shift them to a new level of humanity. Overall the Revolution was the primary change for America and England the taxes were the tip of the iceberg to make America the nation it is now.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Summary of primary documents

Resolution of the Continental Congress October 19, 1765

The resolution put forth had good intentions, but wasn’t the wisest decision.
The writer or writers were trying to show respect to the British crown, and yet it sounded like they were mocking them. This document was interesting because they weren’t clear on which side they were taking in the written forum. They seemed to hold an equal opinion on both the royal position and the colonist’s position. I think what the paper was trying to say that the British crown was asking too much of the colonies and not giving a balance to their term and agreements. That they should work with the colonists instead of forcing them against their will. For example: “that it is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them, but with their own consent, given personally, or by their representatives.” This quote says a lot about what the author was trying to say, because they thought that freedoms and rules were important but not one without the other. With that being said it’s also important to them that having justice and freedom together helped for the growth in America. The acts that where put into motion were harsh and needed to be toned down a bit.

Circular Letter of the Boston Committee of Correspondence; May 13, 1774

This Letter that was wrote by some unknown was bold and an excellent stance of dignity. The writers portrayed their frustrations and angery very clear. For example; “this attack, though made immediately upon us, is doubtless designed for every other colony who will not surrender their sacred rights and liberties into the hands of an infamous ministry.” During this time it was either you were for the taxations or against them there wasn’t really any middle ground. In this quote the writers clearly state that they won’t give up their fight for freedom. They go to drastic measures to defend that liberty even if it meant pouring pounds of tea in the river. They were of coarse mad about the reaction it took on the loyal British, because they then ended up punishing the act of rebellion which later caused even more out breaks. The bottom line was that these countrymen weren’t going to back down they were strong in their believe in the cause for freedom.

Rubric;Text Analysis

Text Analysis
Letter from the New York Committee of fifty-one to the Boston Committee of Correspondence;
May 23, 1774

Who is writing?
The writers are the New York Committee

Who is the audience?
I thought the audience was the Boston Committee.

Who do the writers represent?
I believe they represent the patriots of America who wanted Freedom.

What is being said argued and or/requested?The letter is stating the urgencies of the need of woman’s rights and obligation to contribute to the cause of liberty. They are requesting help for this cause in which they are actively involved in to the Boston committee. They are also suggestion a meeting with one another and asking hat they cooperate with them.

How is it being said argued and or/ requested?
They were saying it with distress but firm and clear. I think they wanted to make known there needs and stance in the matter at hand.

What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The way they present themselves they talk as if they have been having the conversation for weeks.
It justifies because it’s a real event taking place and they really did need support in establishing their freedom.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Essay #1 Reflection

My writing philosophy for Bacon’s Rebellion was difficult to portray. I try to create a picture when I write and go deeper than the surface, but in this essay I found it harder to write that way because it wasn’t just me talking. When I had to put quotes and then what they say about what they said; it was hard to put down on paper what other people thought and said. Bacon’s Rebellion was a challenge that I enjoyed learning from. I liked how I had my rough drafts to work with and outlines it made it more organized to follow. Although it took me about 20 drafts to find my inner hook I believe I stretched my ability to a better standard. Writing the paper was stressful and really frustrating, but when that pressure is relieved after all that hard work it feels like a big accomplishment. I don’t know if it was a great paper by someone else standard. I feel like I was able to put myself in the paper while giving the historic accuracy to some else’s point view.

The history about Bacon’s Rebellion was interesting to define. When people write about history that should be unbiased and correct about what they are saying. History is something already done and all that’s left is facts and curiosity of what triggered that past event. When I put the history of Bacon’s Rebellion in my paper I tried to put how it related to present and future day situations. In a way history is a good step to success when we learn from it. For example: as I wrote Bacon’s Rebellion I observed how far America has come and what we as a country use to be. We have come farther than Bacon’s Rebellion, but at the same time we are even worse. So what we do with our knowledge of history will shape which decisions we make in the present and future day events. Bacon’s Rebellion was an eye opening experience for me. It has changed certain aspects of my writing, and I am looking forward to more challenging papers that will expand my experience even more.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Text Analysis Rubric

Text Analysis Rubric

--Who is writing?
The writers are the council of New England.

--Who is the audience?
The audience is; Honorable knights, citizens, and Burgesses of Great Britain.

--Who do the writers represent?
They represent the people who want structured justice and a well balanced government. They also represented the colonies of New England.

--What is being said, argued and/or requested?
They are requesting that a board of representatives be established and rules be put in place with that council. “Enlarge the British domino and extending its commerce.” Requesting that they build a system to help keep commerce and make it better.

--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
The writers are straight forward they say it with knowledge and understanding.
They sound like they know what will make a successful government within the colonies.

--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The writers back up everything with persuasive facts. They are setting up an argument to establish a “good government of the colony. It’s legitimate because it’s an idea of order and growth and they brought a new change of order. They justify it by stating the profit it will bring to settlements and colonies. There proof is the government in England and how well its set up they want something similar but more structured.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bacon's Rebellion; Final draft

Bacon’s Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion was in many ways the beginning of the American Revolution. The Rebellion largely occurred in Jamestown, Virginia, the landing place for colonists in the New World. Coming away from England, this New World allowed the colonists a place for a fresh start. On the surface Bacon’s Rebellion may simply seem only a minor event of American history that involved a conflict between the colonists of Jamestown with both the local Indians as well as the Virginia Company. In fact, Bacon’s Rebellion was much more than that in it was a snapshot of the Revolution roughly 140 years later and its story includes many tantalizing items like blackmail, fear, retaliation, corruption, and injustice. This “New World” would prove to be unlike anything the colonists had ever seen before.

William Berkley was the governor of Jamestown, appointed by King Charles I, in 1639. The governor started his career in James town, being known for his refined optimism.
In The Story of Bacon’s Rebellion-Virginia, 1676 it says, “Green Spring some four miles from James Town had become famous for its atmosphere of refinement and good cheer, and as a resort for wondering cavaliers.” People saw Berkley as a leader they could easily follow and respect and Jamestown as a place they would want to live. Although William Berkley started his career as governor in this way, his reputation changed over the years into being “stern and selfish,” For example, “He was now grown old in years and sadly changed in character serving a third term; reigning, “one night almost say”. Stern and selfish as he had become….”] [13] Berkeley gained a reputation for upholding peace with the Native Americans. This “peace” stirred up anger with the colonists because they felt Berkley favored the Indians. The governor was making good profit by trading with the Indians and he didn’t want to disturb his profitable endeavor.

In Nathanial Bacon, the colonists found someone who was also angry with Berkeley’s protection and “favor” for the Indians. Like the colonists, Nathanial Bacon was loyal to the King of England. However, his loyalty to local government officials (like Berkeley) as almost non-existent. Bacon’s belief that the government favored the Indians’ interests over their own people started the rebellion that resulted in many innocent deaths and racism toward the Indians.

Bacon wanted access to military trained men and access to weapons so that he could attack the Susquehanna Indians. His hatred for them was enough to push him towards being called a traitor by Berkeley, the governor of Virginia. He was called a rebel because he threatened to act without permission. The colonists faced financial hardship--the tobacco sales were down and the Indians ruled a huge percentage of land. The colonists were genuinely in distress and Bacon used their needs as a gateway for power. The issues of the colonists became the surface issue in what was a fight for power between Berkeley and Bacon. Even as Berkeley attempted to remove Bacon from power the governor ended up turning the majority of the settlers against himself.

The colonists took sides with Bacon because they believed he was their best hope for greater living standards. The Colonist of New England Virginia Were mostly indentured servants and lower-class citizens. They were stressed with high taxes, limited use-able land, fear of Indian attacks, and dissatisfied with a corrupt government. The settlers were placed on the back shelf where their ideas, believes, and fears were not considered.

When the Settlers were faced with problems not at all under their general control, they turned to Nathaniel Bacon for help. He seemed to have a desire that matched their own to do whatever it took to get results. Bacon portrayed a perfect hero to the colonists; he stood up to the governor, led a revolt against the Indians, burned down the town, and took up their cause. To the colonists Bacon was better than no hope at all, even though he blackmailed the governor into what he wanted and caused more problems than he actually solved.

The Indians, especially the Susquehanna Indians became hostile after Bacon started attacking without warning. The Indians retaliated by killing colonists, setting traps, and even capturing them. The Indians lived and dominated the New World at first and they could have by right, forcefully pushed the colonists off their land. Much of the time the Indians just made peace (or at least tried). “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”. The Indians were inconsistent with how they treated the settlers and would also sometimes be intense and fierce towards the settlers. In a way, the English and the Indians were always fighting, like brothers; if one struck the other, then the other would strike the first, and round it would go more aggressively each time. Eventually, most of the settlers hated keeping the peace with what they saw as a savage people, and they were not shown the respect or given the government’s support they thought they deserved as the established people of Jamestown.

Bacon’s violent actions actual made matters worse for all parties and let to an imbalance between the colonists and Indians. In Whether They be Friends or Foe” by Michael J. Puglisi, he states that “neither group resorted to rebellion against the governments, but both clearly expressed their resentment and dissatisfaction with the treatment they received.” Also, Puglisi gave an in-depth description of Bacon’s rebellion and everything that lead up to it. Although Puglisi did not choose a side, he did give off a sense of understanding to how bacon’s Rebellion was fed mostly on the concept of power. It was a power struggle between Bacon and Berkeley. Bacon’s represented the mistreated colonists and Berkeley represented the upper class and ruling authorities.

Bacon just wanted to self-gain, especially in the area of power. It is clear he did not need money and did not need to start the rebellion to sustain a living. For example, Daily Life on the Old Colonial Frontier by James M. Volo, Dorothy Denneen Volo: states, “Nathaniel bacon was only twenty-six, but he maintained a successful plantation on the James river and had enough wealth and influence to sit on council of the elderly royal government.”[191]. Bacon was far more off than most people in New England. He had money, connections, land, and all of this at a young age. He didn’t need to lead a rebellion because he was not suffering in the way the colonists were.

In a way, what Bacon did is only the forerunner of a very similar problem that we have today in human trafficking. “Human trafficking is a multi- dimensional threat. It deprives people of their human right and freedoms, it is a global health risk and it fuels organized crime.” Human Trafficking is the modern-day form of slavery, and slavery was only a variation on the indenture-servants of Bacon’s day. Bacon used the indentured-servants for his own personal gain even like human traffickers of today use people for their own personal gain. Bacon was not at need for anything. He wanted power and used the need of the peasants and indentured-servants for his own purpose. Berkeley was no better. He was overlooking the needs of the indentured-settlers and favoring the Indians so he good keep power and gain wealth.

Bacon’s rebellion involved a balance of cruelties--all sides were equally wrong. The Indians were not justified when they killed, set traps, and deceived just as the English did to them. But one cannot really side with the English either because they lead a revolt to kill all the Indians, tried to overthrow their government, and also deceived the Indians. Also, Bacon wanted power and Berkeley wanted power. All parties tried to control one another. They all tried to enslave one another and they all wanted freedom and were willing to fight and war because they were afraid. As Howard Zinn and Rebecca Stefoff explain in A Young History of the United States: “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations. It temporarily worked out certain kinks that may have caused an even bigger war for the New England territory, but later came about in the American Revolution. The Rebellion allowed the colonists to move past some of their problems and continue building what they started. It was the beginning for new foundations and establishments. Gradually the colonists moved on with a better system of government. But the rebellion did not fix all of the problems. It took years of wars and problems to help shift New England into a place with more rights and freedoms. Yet, even now our country still has problems like racial discrimination, superiority, lust for power, and the control of people like human trafficking. Bacon’s Rebellion was just a starting point for New England government to be established and built. The Bacon’s Rebellion that included Nathaniel Bacon, William Berkeley, the colonists, and the Indians was a combination of disorganized problems that ultimately resulted in shaping America into what it is now.

Work citation.
"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein
47 documents
“Whether they be friends or foes” “by Michael J. Puglisi”

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rough draft 3:Bacon's Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion was a result of blackmail, fear, retaliation, corruption, and injustice. The rebellion opened up new discoveries of right and wrong ways to build a system of government; Jamestown Virginia was the beginning of a government based society. The King of England wasn’t the king over New England, so the colonists in the New World were able to experience a fresh start. With a new start came problems between indentured servants, lower-class colonists, and Indians.

The Governor of Jamestown Virginia was appointed by King Charles I in 1639. When William Berkeley began his tenure as governor he developed the reputation of being - refined and optimistic. In the story of Bacon’s rebellion-Virginia, 1676 it says: “Green Spring some four miles from James Town had become famous for its atmosphere of refinement and good cheer, and as a resort for wondering cavaliers.” People saw him as a leader they could easily follow and respect. However as years passed he grew older and his characters of chief refinement faded to an image of “stern and selfish” like mannerisms. For example; “He was now grown old in years and sadly changed in character serving a third term; reigning, “one night almost say”. Stern and selfish as he had become….”] [1] Berkeley had a reputation for up holding peace with Native Americans and stirring up anger between colonist because of it. The colonists including Nathaniel Bacon were angry with Berkeley’s protection and “favor” for the Indians.

Nathaniel Bacon was loyal to the King of England, but his loyalty to government officials was almost non-existence. Has he lead in the Rebellion that selfishly killed many Indians, cause by his belief that the government favored the Indians interests over there own people. He wanted access to military trained men and access to weapons, so that he could attack the Susquehanna Indians. His hatred for them was enough to push him to being called a traitor by the governor of Virginia. He was called a rebel because he threatened to act without permission. The governor was making good profit by trading with the Indians he didn’t want to disturb that peace. The colonists faced financial hardship- for example; the tobacco sales were down, and Indians ruled a huge percentage of land. The governor and Bacon were at odds with each other using colonist’s issues as the central power in their fight. The colonists were genuinely in distress and Bacon used their needs as a gate way for a power step. The governor didn’t want to relent from taking bacon down, so he ended up Turing the majority of settlers against him.

The colonist swayed with Bacon, because they believed he was the antidote for greater results. The Colonist of New England Virginia Were mostly Indentured servants and lower-class citizens. They were stressed with high paying taxes, land needs, fear of Indians, and what they viewed as a corrupt government. The settlers were placed on the back of a shelf as far as their ideas, believe, and even fears. When they were faced with the problem of not being heard and they couldn’t control what was being done they turned to Nathaniel Bacon. Who seemed to have all the right answers Bacon portrayed a perfect hero to the colonist he stood up to the governor, led a revolt against the Indians, burned down the town, and caused a change. To the colonist he was better than no change at all, (even though he blackmailed the governor into what he wanted and caused more problems then actual good.) The Indians especially the Susquehanna Indians became much more hostile after Bacon started attacking without warning. The Indians retaliated by killing colonist, setting traps, and even capturing them. The Indians lived and dominated the new land first, and they could have by right forcefully pushed the colonist off their land, but instead most Indians just made peace (or at least tried). “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”. The part in the quote “just then”, at peace with the English settlers” is stating how back and forth the Indians emotions were; they are at times peaceful but others times intense and fierce towards settlers. It all depended on what crime was committed first; the English and the Indians were always fighting like bothers if one struck the other they would strike back but more aggressively each time.The colonist didn’t like how the Indians were allowed to keep their land and how favor was being kept between Indians and the government. The colonists were Berkeley’s own lineage, and he hardly gave interests to how they felt about any situation (especially when it came to the Indians).

I would argue that Bacon’s favoring led to the imbalance of colonist’s emotions and reaction to the situations presented to them. Whether they be friends or Foe” by Michael J. Puglisi believes that “neither group resorted to rebellion against the governments, but both clearly expressed their resentment and dissatisfaction with the treatment they received.” [83}Puglisi gave an in-depth description of Bacon’s rebellion and everything that lead up from it. He later depicted the reactions of every person linked who felt the effect of Bacon’s rebellion. Although Puglisi didn’t choose a side, he did give off a sense of understanding to how bacon’s Rebellion was fed mostly on the concept of power. One might look at the Rebellion as a manipulative strong hand killing Indians just because. Or they could look at it as a place in history where everything was a turning point for new rebellions. However I believe Bacon’s Rebellion was the power struggle between Indians, colonist, and social government. If you look at the struggle between all of the people involved it shows that it was a consistent sprint to self gain. For example; Daily Life on the Old Colonial Frontier By James M. Volo, Dorothy Denneen Volo: "Nathaniel bacon was only twenty-six, but he maintained a successful plantation on the James river and had enough wealth and influence to sit on council of the elderly royal government.”[191]. Bacon was far more off than most people in New England he had money, connections, land, and all of this at a young age. He didn’t need to lead a rebellion because he wasn’t suffering in the way the colonist were; he wanted more power and control over a situation that wasn’t his to deal with.

Bacon’s rebellion had a balance of cruelties that can not be decided over the immoral justice; both sides were equally wrong. Mainly because its not justified siding with Indians when they killed, set traps, and deceived just as much as the English. But one can’t really side with the English either because they lead a revolt to kill all Indians, tried to over throw a government, and also deceived. Bacon’s Rebellion was a power control and it shows two types of people fighting a war because they are afraid. Not because they have a handle on what they were doing, but because without power and control they would be slaves to a corrupt society. Both Indians and colonist would be slaves and both wanted freedom.

In A Young History of the United States by Howard Zinn and Rebecca Stefoff said: “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] The two groups that were their enemies; were the Virginia Company and the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was described in many different ways; Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations. It was the beginning for new foundations and establishments. It worked out certain kinks that may have caused an even bigger war for the New England territory. The principal it brought was a way to move past what had happened and continue building what they started. The reality of them moving on never happened. Gradually they moved on with a great system of government, but it didn’t take the Rebellion being over for them to fixes all the problems. It took years of wars and situations like the rebellion to help shift New England into a place of equal rights and freedoms. Bacon’s rebellion had a lot of different under lined issues but one thing that connects all of them is power. Bacon’s rebellion is a good example of what some modern day Situations are like today in 2008. For example; in the about human trafficking states “Human trafficking is a multi-dimensional threat: it deprives people of their human rights and freedoms, it is a global health risk, and it fuels the growth of organized crime." This passage is realty for now in day times human trafficking is just as real as Bacon’s rebellion was. It shows us that it Bacon’s rebellion may not have been out and out slavery but it was about stripping people of their free will, and forcing “organized crime” to control a war that really didn’t ended. The rebellion was an organized crime of colonists taking power in their own hands to damage what could have been a unification of diversity.

Work citation.
"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein
47 documents
“Whether they be friends or foes” “by Michael J. Puglisi”

Monday, October 20, 2008

rough draft two: Bacon's Rebellion

Rebecca Ball

Bacon’s Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion was a result of blackmail, fear, retaliation, corruption, and injustice. The rebellion opened up new discoverers of right and wrong ways to build a government of system. Jamestown Virginia was the beginning of a government based society. The King of England wasn’t the king of New England, so the colonists in the New World were able to experience a fresh start. But with a new start came problems between indentured servants, lower-class colonists, and Indians.

The Governor of Jamestown Virginia was appointed by King Charles I in 1639. When William Berkeley began his tenure as governor he developed the reputation of being - refined and optimistic. In the story of Bacon’s rebellion-Virginia, 1676 it says: “Green Spring some four miles from James Town had become famous for its atmosphere of refinement and good cheer, and as a resort for wondering cavaliers.” People saw him as a leader they could easily follow and respect. However as years passed he grew older and his characters of chief refinement faded to an image of “stern and selfish” like mannerisms. For example; [“He was now grown old in years and sadly changed in character serving a third term; reigning, “one night almost say”. Stern and selfish as he had become….”] Berkeley had a reputation for up holding peace with Native Americans and stirring up anger between colonist because of it. The colonists including Nathaniel Bacon were angry with Berkeley’s protection and “favor” for the Indians.

Nathaniel Bacon was loyal to the King of England, but his loyalty to the Virginia Company was almost non-existence. Has he lead in the Rebellion that selfishly killed many Indians, cause by his belief that the government favored the Indians interests over there own people. He wanted access to military trained men and access to weapons, so that he could attack the Susquehanna Indians. His hatred for them was enough to push him to being called a traitor by the governor of Virginian .He was called a rebel because he threatened to act without permission. The governor was making good profit by trading with the Indians he didn’t want to disturb that peace. The colonists faced financial hardship- for example; the tobacco sales were down, and Indians ruled a huge percentage of land. The governor and Bacon were at odds with each other using colonist’s issues as the central power in their fight. The colonists were genuinely in distress and Bacon used their needs as a gate way for a power step. The governor didn’t want to relent from taking bacon down, so he ended up Turing the majority of settlers against him. The colonist swayed with Bacon, because they believed he was the antidote for greater results.

The Colonist of New England Virginia Were mostly Indentured servants and lower-class citizens. They were stressed with high paying taxes, land needs, fear of Indians, and what they viewed as a corrupt government. The settlers were placed on the back of a shelf as far as their ideas, believe, and even fears. When they were faced with the problem of not being heard and they couldn’t control what was being done they turned to Nathaniel Bacon. Who seemed to have all the right answers Bacon portrayed a perfect hero to the colonist he stood up to the governor, led a revolt against the Indians, burned down the town, and caused a change. To the colonist he was better than no change at all, (even though he blackmailed the governor into what he wanted and caused more problems then actual good.) The Indians especially the Susquehanna Indians became much more hostile after Bacon started attacking without warning. The Indians retaliated by killing colonist, setting traps, and even capturing them. The Indians lived and dominated the new land first, and they could have by right forcefully pushed the colonist off their land, but instead most Indians just made peace (or at least tried). “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”. The part in the quote “just then”, at peace with the English settlers” is stating how back and forth the emotions were; they are at times peaceful but others times intense and fierce towards settlers. It all depended on what crime was committed first; the English and the Indians were always fighting like bothers if one struck the other they would strike back but more aggressively each time. The colonist didn’t like how the Indians were allowed to keep their land and how favor was being kept between Indians and the government. The colonists were Berkeley’s own lineage, and he hardly gave interests to how they felt about any situation (especially when it came to the Indians).

Whether they be friends or Foe” the writer who gave a in-depth description of Bacon’s Rebellion and everything that lead up from it, gave a balance of both sides of causes and effects. He depicted the reactions of every person linked who felt the effect of Bacon’s rebellion. Although the writer didn’t choose a side, he did give off a sense of understanding to how bacon’s Rebellion was fed mostly on the concept of power. One might look at the Rebellion as a manipulative strong hand killing Indians just because. Or they could look at it as a place in history where everything was a turning point for new rebellions. However I believe Bacon’s Rebellion was the power struggle between Indians, colonist, and social government. If you look at the struggle between all of the people involved it shows that it was a consistent sprint to self gain. For example; “Bacon was kin to one of Virginia’s leading families, possessed considerable wealth, had connections with Berkeley, and received an appointment to the governor’s council at the age of twenty nine”. Bacon was far more off than most people in New England he had money, connections, land, and all of this at a young age. He didn’t need to lead a rebellion because he wasn’t suffering like the colonist; he wanted more power and control over a situation that wasn’t his to fight. This is just one example of power domination.

Document five by unknown author, “For in a very short time [in January 1676, the Susquehanna’s] had, in a most inhumane manner, murdered no less then sixty innocent people, no way guilty of any actuall injury don to these ill disarming, brutish heathen.”The writer states his emotion which clearly is bitterly distasteful towards the Susquehanna Indians. That these people inhumanly strike at the Englanders and how they treat them. From the author’s point of view there was no balance it was the Indians inhuman nature that caused the split between the English and the Indians. Bacon’s rebellion made a dent in all areas including the Indians emotions towards the English both sides were affected substantially. But both sides also ran for a higher power domination causing all kinds of problems that could have probably been fixed over a few changes between colonist, government rule, and Indians. Bacon’s rebellion was a balance of cruelties that can’t be decided over immoral justice; both sides were equally wrong. Mainly because its not justified siding with Indians when they killed, set traps, and deceived just as much as the English. But one can’t really side with the English either because they lead a revolt to kill all Indians, tried to over throw a government, and also deceived. Bacon’s Rebellion was a power control and it shows two types of people fighting a war because they are afraid. Not because they have a handle on what they were doing, but because without power and control they would be slaves to a corrupt society. Both Indians and colonist would be slaves and both wanted freedom.

In A Young History of the United States the writers say “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] The two groups that were their enemies; were the Virginia Company and the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was described in many different ways; Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations. It was the beginning for new foundations and establishments. It worked out certain kinks that may have caused an even bigger war for the New England territory. The principal it brought was a way to move past what had happened and continue building what they started. The reality of them moving on never happened. Gradually they moved on with a great system of government, but it didn’t take the Rebellion being over for them to fixes all the problems. It took years of wars and situations like the rebellion to help shift New England into a place of equal rights and freedoms. Bacon’s rebellion had a lot of different under lined issues but one thing that connects all of them is power.

Work citation.
"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein
47 documents
“Whether they be friends or foes” “by Michael J. Puglisi”

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rough draft :Bacon's Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion was a series of black mail, fear, retaliation, corruption, and injustice. In truth the rebellion opened up new discoverers of right and wrong ways to build a government of system. In James town Virginia or also know as New England was the beginning of a government based society. The King of New England wasn’t the ‘king” and the colonist in the New World were able to experience a fresh start. But with a new start came problems between Indentured servants, lower-class colonist, and Indians.

The Governor of James town Virginia was appointed by King Charles I in 1639. When William Berkeley first started out he developed the reputation of being very refined and optimistic. This account was in The Sir William Berkeley writing; “Green Spring some four miles from James Town had become famous for its atmosphere of refinement and good cheer, and as a resort for wondering cavaliers”. People saw him as a leader they could easily follow and respect. However as years passed He grew older and his characters of chief refinement faded to an image of “stern and selfish” like mannerisms.
For example; [“He was now grown old in years and sadly changed in character serving a third term; reigning, “one night almost say”. Stern and selfish as he had become….”] Berkeley held a reputation for up holding peace with Native Americans and causing stirred up anger between colonist because of it. Making him self look selfish and stern to New Englanders and their concerns. The colonists including Nathaniel Bacon were angry with Berkeley’s protection and “favor” for the Indians.

Nathaniel Bacon was loyal to the King of England, but his loyalty to the Virginia was almost non-existence. Of coarse Bacon had a darker motive to get what he wanted out of the Virginia Company the main central powers. Has he lead in the Rebellion that selfishly killed many Indians, cause by his belief that the government favored the Indians interests over there own people. He wanted access to military trained men and weapons, so that he could attack the Susquehanna Indians. His hatred for them was enough to push him to being called a traitor by the governor of Virginian .He was called a rebel because he threatened to act without permission. The governor was making good profit by trading with the Indians he didn’t want to disturb that peace. Also the colonists were being put in
a box of oppression with the tobacco sales down, and their land being ruled by most Indians. They didn’t have much mobility for freedom or room to even really breath in a since. I think the government and Bacon were having a tug a war putting the colonist in the middle of their power hill. The colonists were genuinely in distress and Bacon used them for a place of authority. The governor didn’t want to drop his pride when it came to Bacon his priorities were engaged in doing what he thought was best. So the colonist swayed with Bacon anything to change their present situation.

The Colonist of New England Virginia Were mostly Indentured servants and lower-class citizens. They experienced high paying taxes, land needs, fear of Indians, and what they viewed as a corrupt government.The New Englanders were put in a corner were their ideas, believes, and even fears weren’t honestly being taking care of. I think when they were faced with a problem they had no control over they turned to Nathaniel Bacon who seemed to have all the right answers. Bacon portrayed a perfect hero to the colonist he stood up to the governor, led a revolt against the Indians, burned down the town, and caused a change. To the colonist he was better than no change at all. Even though he black mailed the governor into what he wanted and caused more problems then actual good. The Indians mainly the Susquehanna Indians became much more hostile after Bacon started attacking without warning. The Indians began to retaliate by killing colonist, setting traps, and even capturing them. The Indians lived and dominated the new land first. They could have by right forcefully pushed the colonist off their land, but instead most Indians just made peace (or at least tried). One of the more aggressive tribes was the susquehanocks they killed settlers in way of revenge, and pay back. “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”.
I believe the part in the quote “just then”, at peace with the English settlers” is stating how back and forth the emotions were; they are at times peaceful but others times intense and fierce towards settlers. I think it all depended on what crime was committed first the English and the Indians were always playing this war card back and forth on one another. The colonist didn’t like how the Indians got to keep their lands and how favor was being kept between a people the governor barley knew. The colonists were of Berkeley’s own lineage, and he barley gave an interests to how they felt about any situation (especially when it came to the Indians).

Whether they be friends or Foe” the writer who gave a in-depth description of Bacon’s Rebellion and everything that lead up from it, gave a balance of both sides of causes and effects. He depicted the reactions of every person linked who felt the effect of Bacon’s rebellion. Although the writer didn’t choose a side, he did give off a sense of understanding to how bacon’s Rebellion was fed mostly on the concept of power. One might look at the Rebellion as a manipulative strong hand killing Indians just because. Or they could look at it as a place in history where everything was a turning point for new rebellions. However I believe Bacon’s Rebellion was the power struggle between Indians, colonist, and social government. If you look at the struggle between all of the people involved it shows that it was a consistent sprint to self gain. For example; “Bacon was kin to one of Virginia’s leading families, possessed considerable wealth, had connections with Berkeley, and received an appointment to the governor’s council at the age of twenty nine”. Bacon was far more off than most people in New England he had money, connections, land, and all of this at a young age. He didn’t need to lead a rebellion because he wasn’t suffering like the colonist; he wanted more power and control over a situation that wasn’t his to fight. The colonists he led in mascara’s of killing were lower-class and indentured servants they didn’t have a fraction of what Bacon possessed. So why would Bacon go through all that trouble to start a rebellion? “He claimed that by organizing the unauthorized campaign against the encroaching Indians he was providing a release for the frustration of colonist”. I formulate that Bacon did it for self gaining purposes and a way to win the trust of colonist so he could be elected into a place of authority. Bacon was elected, but then later on revolted further more to burn down James town. He seemed to want what he wanted and if he didn’t get it he black mailed, caused division, and would kill whole tribes of Indians. This is just one example of power domination the Indians were in a power mode but in a different way. “Neither group resorted to rebellion against the governments, but both clearly expressed their resentment and dissatisfaction with the treatment the received. The Indians reacted the way they were first attacked, but they continued being bitter and resentful. They weren’t like the English but they did want power over their selves, land, and respect.

Document four by the Royal Commissioners, stated that “the Indians sent out five great men to treaty of peace, who were not permitted to return to the fort, but being kept prisoners some tyme were at last murdered by the English…” in this particular situation the writer was trying to portray how different the Indians were from the English . In this quote it says how the Indians went for peace… and the English might have misunderstood what the Indians were doing so colonist held the Indians captive and killed them. The writer also gives another side where not just the English act out but the Indians retaliate. “Susquahanocks in revenge of the Maryland business came suddenly down upon the weak plantations at the head of Rappahanock and Potomaque and killed at one time 36 persons and then immediately (as their custome is) ran off into the woods.” The Indians displayed a level of animosity that was equal to the Englanders rage. That being said there were certain situations that both the colonists and the Indians reacted differently given the circumstance. In the first quote the Indians wanted to make peace, but the English killed them why they killed them? Maybe because they felt the Indians were too savage to be saved, or they genuinely hated who they were. In document thirteen by the royal commissioners, “so the common cry and vogue of the vulgar was, away with these forts, away with these distinctions, we will have war with all Indians…. We will spare none”. The English wanted them all gone as if they never existed. The Indians seem to show almost the same level of intent.
Document five by unknown author, “For in a very short time [in January 1676, the Susquehanna’s] had, in a most inhumane manner, murdered no less then sixty innocent people, no way guilty of any actuall injury don to these ill disarming, brutish heathen.”The writer states his emotion which clearly is bitterly distasteful towards the Susquehanna Indians. That these people inhumanly strike at the Englanders and how they treat them. From the author’s point of view there was no balance it was the Indians inhuman nature that caused the split between the English and the Indians. Bacon’s rebellion made a dent in all areas including the Indians emotions towards the English both sides were affected substantially. But both sides also ran for a higher power domination causing all kinds of problems that could have probably been fixed over a few changes between colonist, government rule, and Indians. I can’t easily pick a side in Bacon’s rebellion I believe both sides were equally wrong. Mainly because I can’t really justify siding with Indians when they killed, set traps, and deceived just as much as the English. But I can’t really side with the English because they lead a revolt to kill all Indians, tried to over throw a government, and also deceived. Bacon’s Rebellion was a power control and it shows two types of people fighting a war because they are afraid. Not because they have a handle on what they were doing, but because without power and control they would be slaves to a corrupt society. Both Indians and colonist would be slaves and both wanted freedom.

In A Young History of the United States the writers say “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] The two groups that were their enemies; were the Virginia Company and the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was described in many different ways; Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations. It was the beginning for new foundations and establishments. It worked out certain kinks that may have caused an even bigger war for the New England territory. The principal it brought was a way to move past what had happened and continue building what they started. The reality of them moving on never happened. Gradually they moved on with a great system of government, but it didn’t take the Rebellion being over for them to fixes all the problems. It took years of wars and situations like the rebellion to help shift New England into a place of equal rights and freedoms. Bacon’s rebellion had a lot of different under lined issues but one thing that connects all of them is power. The colonist, Indians, and government officials, in some form or another used Bacon’s Rebellion as an outlet for power domination.

Work citation.
"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein
47 documents
“Whether they be friends or foes” “by Michael J. Puglisi”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Equiano accounts

The Inhuman treatment that was put on the slaves was of foul nature.
I noticed that maybe the Englanders weren’t use to other people who were different then they were. For example the English are fancy well brought up people, and the African people were just low no nothing dogs (At least to the English). So for them to see this group of people the way they were was unnatural, and the only way to deal with unintelligent people like the Africans is to force productivity. They used them the way they saw them; the English were superior, knowledgeable, and wealthy people. They needed someone to pick up the slack to do their dirty work. The treatment of these blacks was embarrassing, and wrong. In the reading about Equiano accounts he described how sick it was to be around all of his people and to see them so broken. How the English packed as many African people in one ship and how they were literally sleeping on top of each other. How the smell was so bad it could make you not want to eat for days. All of these things point to a nature that shouldn’t be used but it was. To hear about a man who had to go through, and witness that low point in our history is dishearten and sad.

I. Topic:A. Bacon’s Rebellion power struggle between colonist and Indians.B.

The chaotic struggle between Indians and Colonist consist of power domination.

I. The power between colonist, Indians, and upper class government was the central issue of Bacon’s Rebellion.

---A. William Berkeley (upper class) served two years as governor over Virginia. Where he attempted to maintain peace with the Indians and acquired the reputation of being “stern and selfish”.

----b. Paraphrase the source. “He was now-grown old in years and sadly changed in character-serving a third term; reigning, one ‘night almost say. Stern and selfish as he became, bending his will only to the wishes of the young wife”. This quote is a statement of how changed Berkeley had become in age and years.

2. Nathanael Bacon led a Rebellion in 1676, which led to the division of Colonist and the promotion of Bacon. “Bacon’s rebellion was the result of the discontent among indentured servants and poor farmers due to corruption in the government”.

------a. “They elected Bacon to the colonial government, called the House Burgesses”. A young people’s history of the Unites States

--------b. Paraphrase the source. The quote that conveys about lower class and indentured servants, is talking about what might have caused the colonists to join the Rebellion. The second quote is about what position Bacon attained later on. I think what promoted Bacon was power and self gain; this level of authority gives Bacon what he wants.

3. The colonists of New England were mostly indentured servants or lower-class citizens. They experienced high paying taxes, land needs, fear of Indians, and a corrupt government.

4. Indians lived and dominated the new Land first. They by right could have forcefully pushed new Englanders away, but instead most of the Indians made peace (Or a least tried to).

-----a. One of the Indian tribes that were on a back and forth peace would be the Susquehannocks Indians. They killed colonist in way of revenge, and animosity they built up towards the Englanders. “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”.

-------b. Paraphrase the source. The part in the quote that says “just then, at peace with the English settlers”. I think that is key because it’s stating that there were certain times when the Indians were at peace and maybe at war with them.

II.Work cititaion.
---b."A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J.
---c. Goldstein

---f. A young people's history of the United States.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thesis Statment.

I. Topic:A. Bacon’s Rebellion power struggle between colonist and Indians.B.

II Introduction:

---1. Undecided

III. Background information: I am going to give specific dates and facts about

- --A. Berkeley

----1. William Berkeley served two years as governor over Virginia. Where he attempted to maintain peace with the Indians and acquired the reputation of being “stern and selfish”

--- ----a. Paraphrase the source. “He was now-grown old in years and sadly changed in character-serving a third term; reigning, one ‘night almost say. Stern and selfish as he became, bending his will only to the wishes of the young wife”. This quote is a statement of how changed Berkeley had become in age and years.

---B. Bacon:

-----1.Nathanel Bacon led a Rebellion in 1676, which led to the division of Colonist and the promotion of Bacon. “Bacon’s rebellion was the result of the discontent among indentured servants and poor farmers due to corruption in the government”.

-----2. “They elected Bacon to the colonial government, called the House Burgesses”. A young people’s history of the Unites States

--------a. Paraphrase the source. The quote that conveys about lower class and indentured servants, is talking about what might have caused the colonists to join the Rebellion. The second quote is about what position Bacon attained later on. I think what promoted Bacon was power and self gain; this level of authority gives Bacon what he wants.

C. colonist:

-----1.The colonists of New England were mostly indentured servants or lower-class citizens. They experienced high paying taxes, land needs, fear of Indians, and a corrupt government.

D. Indians:

-----1. The Indians lived and dominated the new Land first. They by right could have forcefully pushed new Englanders away, but instead most of the Indians made peace (Or a least tried to).

-------2. One of the Indian tribes that were on a back and forth peace would be the Susquehannocks Indians. They killed colonist in way of revenge, and animosity they built up towards the Englanders. “The susquehannocks were an exceedingly fierce tribe of Indians but were, just then, at peace with the English settlers”.

--------a. Paraphrase the source. The part in the quote that says “just then, at peace with the English settlers”. I think that is key because its stating that there were certain times when the Indians were at peace and maybe at war with them.

IIII. Thesis-: The chaotic struggle between Indians and Colonist consist of power domination.

Body: Centers around the main issue of “power” between colonist and Indians. Showing both sides backed up by quotes, documents, and history research. This is the main portion of my argument between both groups.

---A. Did the Rebellion open unnecessary wounds between the colonist and the Indians? J-store document, , document 13, and 18

----B. What impact did the initial issue have on the over all picture?

------C. Why was power so important to both sides? Document 16, 19, 32

"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein,

IIIII. Discussion:

------1. Most sources would say that Bacon’s Rebellion was a means to an end; End to injustice, lack of care, killings, and corruption.

--------a. I say that Bacon’s Rebellion was all about power and not just from Bacon but from colonist, Berkeley, and even Indians. This struggle between both groups of people caused a rift which became irritated and inflamed with anger. Yes the Rebellion caused all kinds of injustice and lack of care, but it’s the little gaps that caused a huge effect.

IIIIII. Conclusion and suggestions: Undecided

IIIIIII. Works cited:
"A Note on Historical Interpretation" by Leon J. Goldstein
47 documents
7. A young people's history of the United States.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Outline of Bacon's Rebellion

Topic: Bacon’s Rebellion power struggle between colonist and Indians.

Introduction: Undecided

Background information: I am going to give specific dates and facts about Berkeley, Bacon, colonist, and Indians.

Thesis-: The chaotic struggle between Indians and Colonist consist of power domination

Body: Centers around the main issue of “power” between colonist and Indians. Showing both sides backed up by quotes, documents, and history research. This is the main portion of my argument between both groups.

Discussion: this is where I can put more of what I think about my topic and what I got out of all the information I acquired for Bacon’s Rebellion. More room to argue my side.

Conclusion and suggestions: Undecided

Works cited: all of my findings, research, and information I have is going to go here.
All alphabetized and neat still have more to gather though.

The thesis statement

The chaotic struggle between Indians and Colonist consist of power domination.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Searching on Bacon's Rebellion

When searching for information or relatively close to the subject I found more articles than actual consistent facts. What I mean by facts is that Bacon’s Rebellion is so gaped in information that its hard to find a balance between whats real and whats an opinion. For example: in Leon J. Goldstein’s A not on Historical Interpretation he talks about how people interpret history. He brings up two different writers and how completely opposite they from each other. “the more one examines he movement which Bacon headed, the more its kinship with American Revelation becomes apparent, for both had as the amin principle the defense of American rights.”Wertenbaker. He says that Wertenbaker believed that it was predestined for Bacon to lead such revolt. Things like that which prove that certain pieces of information are half factual and half opinion. So my search was based on JSTOR I found articles ranging from Indentured servants to Bacon’s young life. I only found three articles I could really learn from . To find more on Bacon’s Rebellion I decide to google Bacon’s Rebellion causes and effect . I found two websites somewhat helpful and tried searching through what I found but it was mostly other peoples opinions of what it was. Next time when I search I will try to search for history books online I think that will provide the facts needed.

second half of Winthrop quotes


The Mayflower Compact was like a vessel of sanctification. Winthrop says “he shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding [colonies].” I think he thought that they were sent by God so they in a since were praised and glorified higher than any man. He viewed the MA Bay CO. as thee example for all things righteous.

I think Winthrop was saying that to be a city on a hill is to shine in the presence of darkness. To be the light or truth for blinded men who come to New England.

Winthrop quotes

Quote one

- The people being as one and saying that they coordinated better in groups.

- He uses examples of their religion and the body of Christ (the puritans ) so they know what he is talking about cause that’s there foundation on which there life is built upon.
- If everyone is working together as a whole their more likely to benefit knowledge and growth which brings common wealth to all of them.

Quote two

-The puritans wanted to purify the Catholicism faith. So when they came to the new world they wanted a better England. To renew what was corrupted; in a way this was there do over. So they called New England because this was their New England.

Quote three

- Christian kingdom meaning to establish, conquer, and grow. When they came to the new world they took what God gave them and created a Christian kingdom.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



The purpose of this worksheet/assignment is to assist in making your day at the National College Fair as productive as possible. Your journey of exploring post-secondary educational programs and career options will be a life-long one, but it is critically important at this time. Please complete each section below. Your responses are to be submitted to Terry by Oct. 9th.

We suggest that you use the following questions as an interview guide, but certainly ask whatever questions you like:
§ What is the average class size for freshman classes, as well as upper division?
§ How would they describe the relationship between students and instructors at their college?
§ Does their university place a greater emphasis on research or on teaching?
§ What are their policies and procedures relative to financial aide, Scholarships, work-study, etc.?
§ What internship, cooperative-education, and foreign study opportunities are available to undergraduate students?
§ What major is their college best known for?
§ What are the transfer policies and admissions standards for their college, including college testing such as SAT and/or ACT?
§ How would they describe student life on their campus and in the local community?

1) To gain a broad perspective relative to the different types of colleges, campuses, and programs, provide the name and a brief description of the following: (Do not hesitate to explore colleges outside the Northwest states, do not use the same college twice, and do not simply list information available on their website.)

A public college:

Well I was considering the University of Washington Tacoma- mainly because it’s close to home and it offers a business degree.

A private college:
University of Arts – Provides graphic design as well as dance, and a person doesn’t need any previous experience to be accepted. I like because they are about a community of people so its smaller, but its really expensive to so I don’t know how I would be able to swing it.

Cornish College of Arts – It has in-depth writing program to go along the arts you want to major in it focuses on your keen passion. I really liked that because I love to write but I also love to purse my art so it has both.

Westmont College- Its located in Santa Barbra it had a really good side dance program. They have a business class it has so many programs you can get involved with. I like that it is Christian based and that it has a wide variety of options for different majors.

A rural college:

University of Oregon- I can explore in a lot of different areas here not just in business It one of the ones I was drawn to because when I get an idea of what I want it will provide more opportunity.

A traditional large university:

Oregon State University- I can explore in a lot of different areas here not just in business It one of the ones I was drawn to because when I get an idea of what I want it will provide more opportunity.

Western Oregon University- they are engaged in seeing that the undergraduate students are mentored and given equal opportunity. I really like this one because they offered everything I wanted and they aren’t really super big. So I am considering this one more than any others

A small alternative college:

Central Oregon Community College – It has a wide variety of programs one being business and graphic design. It is also located where I was raised so I already know the area really well.

Highline Community College – It’s close to where my immediate family lives smaller class rooms and lower cost. I could start there and if I chose go to a bigger college later on.

2) Select a college major that you might be interested in pursuing. (__Business___) Find three colleges that are known to offer quality programs in that major. You may choose only one of the three colleges from within the state of Washington. Briefly describe what impressed you about each of these colleges. Then finally, describe how your overall educational experience might differ if you were to choose one college over the others. In making your comparisons, be sure to consider some the issues raised in the “suggested questions” above. (You probably should do some research on this before attending the Fair)

-Western Oregon University would be my first choice mainly because it offers a business degree and a dance program. I was impressed with all of the options you have not just in the classes but on the campus to , and it felt more low key not as serious as the other colleges.

-University of Arts has a amazing dance program. It also offers graphic design which I am somewhat interested in. I like this college because of how different the requirements are for example you don’t have to have any previous training in dance all you have to do is audition.

Central Oregon community college – It offers a lot in business and marketing, and its located where I lived. So I know the area and school pretty well which to me is important to be comfortable where ever you go.

1) Attend at least one of the workshops during your time at the Fair. Briefly describe the content of the workshop and evaluate the information received.

I went to the financial aid workshop it didn’t really help though mainly because what they were saying felt so dry and factual. Which I realize is kind of the point, but I had a hard time understanding the speaker. They spoke on what you should do if your parents are divorced and what should happen if your credits bad. Most of which I didn’t really know in the first place.

2) Write a personal evaluation of your experience of attending the National College Fair. Share whatever thoughts you have, but be sure to include a discussion of the following:
§ What information was the most useful?
§ What questions are still unanswered?
§ What should now be included in the next phase of your educational and career planning process?

The College Fair wasn’t as over whelming as I thought it was going to be. I went to the College fair without any specific desires for school, being undecided can be frustrating especially when trying to pick out a college out a large amount. However, it was helpful when I approached the booths the people were fairly helpful, they answered all my questions and gave me new ideas for what I should look for in a College. Unfortunately I didn’t ask about credits and that was one of the questions I did have but went unanswered. I didn’t know exactly what to ask, since I am still undecided on what I want in a school and what I want to major in. I asked questions that were pretty basic, like does your school offer business degrees? what SAT scores do you need to qualify. My next step for my educational planning is taking it a day at a time. I want to do something I love to do, not something I have to figure out right away. Overall the college fair was helpful it opened new ideas and expanded my view of what college might be like. It has given me a lot to think about.

They say 2 : Bacon's rebellion

Whether they be friends or Foe” the writer who gave a in-depth description of Bacon’s Rebellion and everything that lead up from it, gave a balance of both sides of causes and effects. He depicted the reactions of every person linked who felt the effect of Bacon’s rebellion; it wasn’t all about Bacon. He gave a balanced review of how the Indians were effected and how they were treated in the presence of a fear driven people. He was trying to show both sides of the problem; for the English it was land, slavery, food shortages, and fear that the government’s priorities weren't right. For example: [77] “made the people jealous that the governor for the lucre of the beaver and other trade, etc., with the Indians, rather sought to protect the Indians than them.” In short the colonies felt neglected and bitter because of it. The Indians experienced the blunt of the Englanders blow. They were pushed off their land, killed by angry colonist, and discriminated against …etc. [78] “the natives including their leader, fled. Bacon and his forces followed, “killing and taking them prisoners, and looking for…plunder.” I believe that Bacon's Rebellion launched a Behavioral change among the established colonist and the new comers who were being pushed into to the oppressed Environment. As for the Indians the writer portrays that they were mistreated, and controlled. That instead of being recognized like an equal they were treated like an inconvenience.

Document four by the Royal Commissioners, stated that “the Indians sent out five great men to treate of peace, who were not permitted to return to the fort, but being kept prisoners some tyme were at last murdered by the English…” in this particular situation the writer was trying to portray how different the Indians were from the English . In this quote it says how the Indians went for peace… and the English apparently did not see that way so they held them captive and killed them. The writer also gives another side where not just the English act out but the Indians retaliate. “Susquahanocks in revenge of the Maryland business came suddenly down upon the weak plantations at the head of Rappahanock and Potomaque and killed at one time 36 persons and then immediately (as their custome is) ran off into the woods.” The Indians displayed a level of animosity that proved equal insanity with the English. That being said there were certain situations that both the colonists and the Indians reacted differently given the circumstance. In the first quote the Indians wanted to make peace, but the English killed them why they did this there could be a merit of reasons. In the second quote he said that the Indians killed thirty six people in revenge; this is one of the reasons or circumstance of how different they acted this time then when they wanted peace.

Document five by unknown author, “For in a very short time [in January 1676, the Susquehanna’s] had, in a most inhumane manner, murdered no less then sixty innocent people, no way guilty of any actuall injury don to these ill disarming, brutish heathen.”The writer states his emotion which clearly is bitterly distasteful towards the Susquehanna Indians. That these people inhumanly strike at the Englanders and how they treat them. From the author’s point of view there was no balance it was the Indians inhuman nature that caused the split between the English and the Indians. Bacon’s rebellion made a dent in all areas including the Indians emotions towards the English both sides were affected substantially.

In A Young History of the United States the writers say “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] The two groups that were their enemies; were the Virginia Company and the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was described in many different ways, but the conclusion that it always comes to is that in a way it caused future Rebellions. Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

They say : Bacon's Rebellion

“Whether they be friends or Foe” the writer who gave a in-depth description of Bacon’s Rebellion and everything that lead up from it, gave a balance of both sides of causes and effects. He depicted the reactions of every person linked who felt the effect of Bacon’s rebellion; it wasn’t all about Bacon. He gave a balanced review of how the Indians were effected and how they were treated in the presence of a fear driven people. He was trying to show both sides of the problem; for the English it was land, slavery, food shortages, and fear that the government’s priorities weren't right. For example: [77] “made the people jealous that the governor for the lucre of the beaver and other trade, etc., with the Indians, rather sought to protect the Indians than them.” In short the colonies felt neglected and bitter because of it. The Indians experienced the blunt of the Englanders blow. They were pushed off their land, killed by angry colonist, and discriminated against …etc. [78] “the natives including their leader, fled. Bacon and his forces followed, “killing and taking them prisoners, and looking for…plunder.” I believe that Bacon's Rebellion launched a Behavioral change among the established colonist and the new comers who were being pushed into to the oppressed Environment. As for the Indians the writer portrays that they were mistreated, and controlled. That instead of being recognized like an equal they were treated like an inconvenience. In A Young History of the United States the writers say “this was Bacon’s Rebellion. It was not a war of American Colonists against the British. Instead, Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising of angry, poor colonists against two groups they saw as their enemies.” [35] The two groups that were their enemies; were the Virginia Company and the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was described in many different ways, but the conclusion that it always comes to is that in a way it caused future Rebellions. Whether Bacon's Rebellion was right or wrong it still made a significant impact for future generations.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Political Economy of the Body

I think the quote means that the body of a person is controlled by its master that they shift it, train it, and force productivity.

I think it means that there are different levels of people who were powerful and dominate. People who are considered lower level were forced into manual labor, abused and pushed because they were not “worthy” enough in European social latter.

The quote about the king was hard to translate, but I think it means that, because the king is the ruler over all that he represents his people. So if his people are forcing slavery or owning people it reflects on him as a person but mostly as a King.

American Tobacco and European consumers

American Tobacco and European consumers

“Europeans’ desire for tobacco was the only reason it had commercial value”. During the seventeenth century in the English colonies in the Chesapeake were built out of the resource of tobacco. The settlers made so much of it that they sold it to England by the pounds more like forty million pounds.
That was there main trade among the English country, so much so that people made a habit of smoking tobacco when it was being transported in by the millions. It also jump started a new form of industry in the European culture. Smoking was so common that they had to have some kind of way making pipes for the users , and boxes to old there tobacco that opened new jobs for people and altered there culture even in the social aspect of it. Some people didn’t approve of tobacco and what it did to the human body for instant King James describes it as “filthy smoke “the “stinking suffumigation “he believed that it was a disgusting habit and that it should not be promoted among the people.

Then in the eighteenth Century many tobacco users switched to snuff which became very common in that time. Snuff made it so they didn’t have to spit or use fire they just took it out of a box and sniffed it where ever they were. The Europeans also thought if you sneezed after wards that it was “not only fashionable but healthful”. By producing tobacco in such a large quantity it changed European culture and pushed them to a new level of civilization.